Positive attitude and seven important values have made VLS, rise from virtually zero, to where it is today.
The foundation of our seven values starts at humility, the ability to understand your areas of improvement, and the ability to listen to others. For VLS, our humility helped us succeed in Projects, where we had no prior experience.
Humility helped us gain the trust of our stakeholders, even in situations of high stress and anxiety.
From humility comes the opening to learning. Our 2nd value, learning, encourages us to nurture active curiosity, to question, to share and improve.
From learning as individuals, we graduate to working in teams, and build enduring relationships, which is our 3rd value. VLS has embraced partnerships without ego. We encompass a large cross-cultural and international teams successfully.
Humility, learning and teamwork lead to respecting people, and their points of view, which is our 4th value. In VLS, we encourage people even at the junior-most level, to express their opinions freely. We have employees from all corners of our large country and across the world working together harmoniously.
Humility, learning, teamwork and respect for individuals - to make VLS reach this stage. Selflessness and subduing one’s ego will always be the foundation of a great organization that you aspire to build. Visionary leadership is crucial for the long-term survival.
Our 5th value is entrepreneurship. We seek opportunities and they are everywhere. It helps us to take calculated risks, gives us courage to enter areas of business, new to us, thereby creating new benchmarks.
Delivering on promises is our 6th value. That is what one’s credibility is all about. Delivering on promises – promise of time; promise of quality; promise of price, whatever the promise. It is one language every single culture in the world understands and appreciates!
Social responsibility is a wonderful opportunity to serve our fellow citizens who are not so fortunate. At VLS we contribute a certain percentage of our profits and spare some time and effort for those unfortunate people around the world. We believe that the joy of giving is a gift of God.
The same 7 values can prove to be very useful in any Organization and its People. This brings an impact, positive attitude, to any Company, one’s personal life and one’s career.